Problem of car parking in bike lanes is becoming a discussing issue. To short this problem it is important to aware city leaders and folks at the SFMTA with this. To show that this problem is related to the safety concerns of public so it is important to describe it in full detail.

For this we require a team of volunteers to count parked cars in bike lane on weekdays between 4-7pm, on Valencia St between 16th St and 18th St. The duties of volunteers are:
1) Counting of cars parked in bike lane
2) Counting of bicycles parked around cars
3) Total number of bicycles
4) Total number of cars
5) Legally parked cars

This data help to improve this problem by applying penalties for motorists who park in bike lane.

You can sign up here to be the part of this team.

If you want to join the team but not on Tuesday or Thursday then come along with your snacks or water.
This is leading by a very experienced and longtime member Catherine Orland and this is not any SF bicycle coalition event.

2016 S-Class Mercedes: