An Improved Map of future tunnels as ‘Subway Vision'

A preliminary map of San Francisco’s Subway vision shows the future of San Francisco around Marina and Southeast area.

On Monday, the first sketch of the plan was presented in front of San Francisco Board of Supervisors’ Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Scott Weiner, the supervisor told the committee that they started BART and Market Street Subway in the 1970s. But they didn’t continue the subway construction. He added, “We need to move forward” and build more subways.

Subway Vision maps were encouraged by Wiener’s Subway Master Plan legislation.
Which are the plan sketches out potential new areas for subways based on three sources: prior plans, input from the public and analysis by agencies like the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, the Planning Department, and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

According to SFMTA planning director Sarah Jones, the final maps will be done by the end of the year.

The two preliminary maps presented were from ideas generated by more than 2,600 people, contributed online and also from “pop-up” booths across The City.
Most demanded subway was Geary Boulevard, which connects the Marina District to the center of San Francisco.

Jones added this subway vision plan as a broad sketch to guide the future policy decisions regarding the final destination of subways. The final report at the end of the year will compare time savings, cost benefits and more.

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