Driverless pods just installed on the roads of USA with a trial of FirstGroup

The UK bus consultancy and FirstGroup rail company together started a driverless vehicle testing in the major parts of US test facility.

The First Transit division company runs transport services for businesses. In Concord, California, these services will work on driverless pods in the form of dubs on the 2,000-hectare GoMentum test facility.

In the US, the project includes second phase pilot of the year that started with first commercially operated vehicles on the US roads. It is being carried out at a functioning office park while members of the public use the transport.

The president of First Transit, Brad Thomas said in a statement that “The vehicles it was currently testing would be used for what he called “first and last mile solutions”, operating in places where it is difficult for buses to do so, such as in space-constricted shopping centers, universities, airports and large office parks.”

The GoMentum Station is excessively used by the Transportation Authority CCTA of Contra Costa which covers areas of San Francisco and Oakland. It is set up to look into the testing of current transportation technology.

Mr. Thomas, the US Department of Transportation said “GoMentum was the largest of 10 federally designated automated vehicle proving grounds created in the country. Also, there could be “broad application” of the shared autonomous vehicles it was testing.”

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